Avoiding Plagiarism

Goals: You will be able to...
  • Describe the definition, scope and consequences of plagiarism
  • Discover what constitutes plagiarism
1. Discussion of Early Instructor/Class Survey Result (Wednesday)

2. Grammar Diagnostic Quiz Feedback: Check your UofI Box for your quiz result.
If you missed something (e.g., if you miscorrected or failed to correct the error) in Step 1, I marked the error type with "XX". If you missed something in Step 2, I marked the error type with "X" (in the same chart on p.1). Keep this chart to determine 1) for which areas you need to proofread more carefully before submitting your paper and 2) for which areas you need more practice using Writer's Help and other tools (e.g., Wordandphrase.info).  

3. Unit 2 Overview

4. Intro to Avoiding Plagiarism: Check your UofI Box for the grade on your homework
    Homework: Check Daily Schedule