- Review how to write a Reflective Essay
- Use key features in Writer's Help eBook.
Purpose: Writer's Help eBook will serve as more of an reference book for individual homework and independent study rather than a textbook to use as a class. With Writer's Help, you can...
- Find information on any topics related to writing (mostly academic), such as explanation of a concept or a sample paper or an outline for a particular assignment – each page is really short (Show “Building Effective Paragraphs” page)
- Find quizzes to practice with (Show “topic sentences” quiz under “Unifying paragraphs with topic sentences”)
Writer's Help eBook Key Features
1. Search bar: This works just as Google search (it also has an auto-complete feature!), but the search results appear on the left-hand toolbar.
2. Contents: If you want to read about a certain topic in the context rather than on separate pages (so you can get more organized information), try browsing through Contents (and the drop-down menus).
3. Resources: If you know exactly what you’re looking for (and what type of resource it is) already, I recommend finding that from “Resources” tab. You can search contents by type (e.g., Exercises, PDF files, LearningCurve quizzes).
- Exercises: A short quiz with 5-10 questions (good for a preview; you can't retake it)
- LearningCurve: A long adaptive quiz with more than 10 questions (good for a review of topics you're already familiar with; you can take this multiple times)
- Quick Help: Grammar advice at a glance with a series of examples. You can skim the examples to get an answer quickly and get back to your writing. If you need more help or want to know more about a topic, just follow the blue underlined links to fuller explanations
4. Gradebook & Writer's Help Activity Report: The scores you get from exercises are recorded in your Gradebook (located at top-center).
Group Work: Writer's Help Scavenger Hunt (Practice)
Homework: Check Daily Schedule