Student Writing Collection Consent Form
Daily Schedule Overview
Peer Review Worksheet (this is based on RA Grading Rubric)
- This (giving and receiving feedback) is 10% of the paper grade.
- Be sure to SAVE your comments on your partner's Desktop in WORD doc. Name it as "111_RA_NetID_1_PR_Your First Name"
- Be sure to UPLOAD the file your reviewer saved on your Desktop to your Google Drive folder as a WORD doc (I will look at your peer reviewer's comments before the individual conferences)
- Keep in mind that the maximum length of the paper is 4 pages (minimum 3 pages). If you have long quotes, you must paraphrase/summarize them to shorten the length of your paper.
You will receive a guided tour of all library resources available for you. The class will meet at the same time in front of Espresso Royale at Undergraduate Library to start the tour. Attendance will be checked.
Individual Conferences (April 14, 15, 18)
Sign-up Doodle Link (You can only select ONE time slot)
- Submit your 2nd draft 48 hours before your meeting time (excluding Saturday and Sunday) in Box Folder (inside a sub-folder named "Unit 3") as well as on Compass2g Site. Name your file as "111_RA_NetID_2".
- In this draft, write down your specific questions/concerns at the end of your draft that I can help you with in 15 minutes (so that the meeting can finish before the next person in line).
- Show up in my office (FLB 3043) ON TIME for your appointment (if you are late/absent, you will be marked as tardy/absent for 2 days of class). Class is cancelled for April 15 and 18.