Oral Presentation Assignment Details

Task: You will create and present a 7-8 minute oral presentation on rhetorical analysis of commercials/campaigns. You will compare/contrast TWO commercials/campaigns in terms of the effectiveness of their persuasive strategies (to determine which one does a better job of convincing the audience). If possible, you may want to pick two commercials on the same product/cause so it is easier to compare/contrast.

Content: This presentation should include similar contents you learned in Unit 3: Rhetorical Analysis Essay:
  • Who is the intended audience?
  • What is the purpose of the commercial? What is the product they are trying to sell, the cause they are trying to advance, or the message they are trying to send?
  • What kinds of strategies are used in each commercial/campaign?
  • Which commercial/campaign is more effective at convincing the audience?
If you want, you may play your commercials/campaigns up to 2 minutes at the beginning of your presentation before presenting your overall evaluation of the rhetorical strategies used, and support your argument with evidence.

Format: You may present alone or with ONE other person in our class. If you want to present with a partner, you should present for 10-12 minutes (EACH person should speak for at least 4 minutes).

Submission: All presentation materials (e.g., powerpoint slides or handouts) are due by April 25 on Compass2g as well as in your Box folder.
Grading Rubric
Student Sample (Disregard the analyses shown on Slide 29-37) 
Suggested Presentation Outline