Intro to Rhetorical Analysis

Goals: You will be able to...
  • Recognize what constitutes rhetorical situations and how the elements interact with each other in communication.
  • Analyze the rhetorical situation of a text in terms of author, audience, purpose, text, and context.
  • Understand the guidelines of rhetorical analysis assignment and its objectives.
Peer Review of Essay Basics (1st draft)

Lesson Materials:
Intro to Rhetorical Analysis PPT
The Rhetorical Situation PPT (Created by Purdue OWL (2000), which explains each component of the rhetorical triangle (writer, purpose, audience, topic, context) in detail) 
Jin's Daily Writing Samples.

Rhetorical Analysis of Your Own Writing Samples (Pair Work):
Pick one piece of writing that you are most proud of and the other that you are least proud of. Present them to your partner and discuss how your writing samples are different from each other based on the following questions and share if you think they were written effectively or not:
  • Who is the author (what is your position as an author - e.g., student, daughter, friend, employee)
  • Who is your audience/reader for these different kinds of writing? In other words, to whom or for whom are you writing? What was your relationship to that person?
  • What is your purpose? What did you hope to achieve?
  • What is the topic of your writing?
  • What is the context of your writing? What was the situation that generated the need for writing (e.g., time, location, current events, social customs, etc.)? 
Homework: Check daily schedule