- recognize common mistakes in in-text citation and fix them
- learn different formatting rules for different cases of in-text citation
Day 1: APA In-text Citation
Warm-up (10 min):
Why and How to Cite
Task 1 (Optional): Which style is APA?
Task 2 (10 min): APA Citation General Guidelines (Fill in the blanks)
Student A; Student B
Day 2: APA Reference List
Task 1: Peer Review of APA Reference List
**General Rules for Creating APA Reference List**
- Double-spaced with “References” in the center
- Follows an alphabetical order (A~Z)
- Hanging indented
- Has a period after each piece of info
- Last name, First name initial
- Title of the article – only the first word starts with a capital letter (no “ “ around)
- Title of the journal /book / website in italic - only the first word starts with a capital (no “ “ around)
- Journal title,Volume number(issue number)
Task 2: APA Citation Practice
OneNote Group Work Doc
Directory to APA in-text citation models
Directory of APA Reference List Models
Homework: Check Daily Schedule