How to Analyze an Advertisement

Goal: You will be able to...
  • Name the elements of an advertisement to examine for rhetorically analysis 
  • Determine the effectiveness of an advertisement by considering elements of pathos (music, voice-over, storyline), logos (facts and figures), and ethos (spokespersons, company image) 
  • Analyze an advertisement with the help of guiding questions
Lesson Materials:

Practice Commercials:
Survey on Chinese students' perception of plagiarism:
1. Prepare a DRAFT of your presentation on PPT slides (preferably on Google Slides) - do NOT worry about the design and all the details yet. See Suggested Presentation Outline and the example slides. Create it (or upload it) in your Google Drive folder and name it as "RA Presentation_Your NetID_1".

2. Fill out "Checkpoint 3" table from your Writer's Help Report in Google Drive by April 25. It's supposed to be due by April 22, but I will give you 3-day extension because your final paper is due at the same time. If you have not yet tried, try out LearningCurve Exercises. You can find them by going to "Resources" -> "Search by Type" -> "LearningCurve":