Cause/Effect Paragraph (Common Causes of Stress)

Goals: You will be able to... 
  • Recognize different kinds of causal relationships
  • Organize causes and effects using visual charts
  • Use vocabulary that emphasizes causal relationships
3. Analyze sample cause/effect paragraphs (Different patterns of organization)

Group Discussion Questions:
1. Can you think of any other causes of stress?
2. Have you ever thought about why you are stressed (if you have ever felt stressed)? Are there any underlying causes?
3. Are you convinced by the U.S. Census figures in the lines from 43-34 that supports the author’s idea of stress being a contributing factor for the high dropout rate? Why or why not?
4. Can you think of other effects or consequences of stress among college students?

Homework: Based on "Common Causes of Stress in College", can you think of any other causes or effects of stress in college? Write a paragraph that either supports, counter-argue, or adds to the article focusing on either the causes or the effects of stress in college (but not both). Are there any positive effects of experiencing stress in college? If you have hard time thinking of stress as a positive thing, you could watch the Ted talk titled "How to Make Stress Your Friend".