Definition Paragraph (Feb 25)

Goals: You will be able to... 
  • Define objects, concepts, and ideas using description, examples, and comparison
  • Recognize definition strategies
  • Organize a definition paragraph
Warm-up: "Taboo" game (practice defining objects and concepts without using "taboo" words)

Task 1: Writing Definitions Handout
Task 2: Definition strategies 
Example: Mention specific person or thing that represents the term.
  1. Description: Describe different characteristics that make up the concept. These can be physical, historical, or conceptual.
  2. Comparison: Show how it is like (similar to) or unlike (different from) something else.
  3. Classification: Describe what the term includes (different parts, types, and components)
  4. Examples 
Read "box" or "cool" definition paragraphs and decide which strategy is used in which paragraph. 

Task 3: Read three sample paragraphs defining "Friendship" and complete the outline.

Task 4: You'll be assigned a second group, where you have to explain the organization of the sample paragraph you just outlined.

Homework: Read Only Connect...The Goals of a Liberal Education from The American Scholar. 1998. 67(4). and write/bring a summary of 10 definitions(qualities) of a well-educated person for class discussion. If you are pressured for time, read p.3~5 for main ideas.