- Learn your explicit and implicit grammar knowledge
- Understand the importance of self-editing and peer feedback
- Recognize which types of grammar errors can be particularly problematic in writing
Task 2: Share your answers to Grammar Knowledge Questionnaire with the class.
Task 3: Score your Grammar Diagnostic Quiz based on the answers and report the results for me to keep.
Task 4: Learn about Guide for Using Writer's Help Grammar Resources and how it can help you choose which exercises you want to do to improve your writing
1. Download/save Writer's Help Report in your Google Drive folder if you have not done so yet (Checkpoint #1 must be completed by Feb 25).
2. Answer "Paragraph Structure and Development" handout (the Pre-lecture Quiz only) based on the information from 1) WH page titled "Building effective paragraphs" (click this page if you have an older version.) and 2) 3 parts of a paragraph worksheet and bring it to class.