1. Download your Essay Basics Draft 1 and save it on your Desktop.
2. Swap the seats with your partner.
3. Open and leave comments (at least 3 major feedback) on your partner's draft.
4. When finished, save the commented file as "Essay Basics...PR by your first name" on your partner's Desktop.
5. Go back to your seat. Find/save the PR file your partner saved on your Desktop. Upload it to your Google Drive.
Unit 2 Review Quiz & Survey
1. Submit the 2nd (final) draft (titled "111_Essay_Basics_netid_2") by March 18, 11:59 pm on Compass2g as well as in your Google Drive. Create a new folder named "Unit 2" to store all homework assignments from Essay Basics.
2. Collect three different pieces of writing (all three should be different kinds -private/public, formal/casual, long/short, complete/incomplete, paper/online/cell phone/sticky notes, etc.) and analyze them in terms of writer, audience, purpose, topic, and situation. Please see my example. Upload your analysis in your Google Drive. Create a new folder named "Unit 3" to upload this assignment.