English Learning Opporunities

This is a list of language learning opportunities at the University of Illinois (except for regular ESL courses) and the surrounding Urbana-Champaign Community. Please contact the programs directly if you are interested.

1. Workshops on Campus (Extra credits offered for attendance)

Academic Conversation Skills Workshop Series

Having trouble with participating in class or interacting with classmates and professors because of your English or cultural differences? Or do you just want to polish your academic conversation skills? Academic Conversation Skills Workshop Series, taught by seasoned instructors from ESL Services Program, offer tips and strategies to overcome such challenges for international students in an interactive environment. There are 8 sessions on 4 different topics scheduled over 4 weeks and you can sign up for as many sessions as you want at no cost. Please sign up in advance since the seats are limited! Click the link above for topics, dates, and sign-up directions.

Note: Go to at least two sessions for extra credit

Introduction to U.S. Academic Writing Processes for Multilingual Undergraduate Students
Students who speak English as a second language can learn more about the academic writing process through interactive sessions that support current writing projects. We ask that students first attend an informational meeting (either Feb 2, 4-5:30 pm or Feb 3, 1-2:30 pm) and then commit to the 4-session series. Because of their interactive nature, these groups are capped at 8-12 students. This semester we offer two sections of this series on prewriting and invention strategies, writing from scholarly sources, academic argumentation, and revising and self-editing strategies.

Grammar Workshop Series
This webpage will be updated soon with Spring 2016 dates and sign-up links!

2. Non-UIUC ESL Classes

Urbana Adult Education (free)
ESL classes at beginning through advanced levels, which are free and open to anyone. Call 217-384-3530 to make an appointment for a placement test or for further information. It is located at 211 N. Race, Urbana.

YMCA Communiversity
1001 S. Wright St., 337-1500
Beginning and advanced conversation classes. $25 registration fee and $5 materials fee.

The English Center
610 S. 6th Street, Champaign, 344-3310.
Website: http://www.englishcenter.com/englishcenter/home.html

International Hospitality Committee (FREE)
Conversation classes. Free, but a textbook required for some classes. Classes held at various locations, including Orchard Downs and the basement lounge of the Goodwin & Green apartments at 300 South Goodwin, Urbana, Contact Vivienne Mackie at 328-1569, vivienne.mackie@gmail.com

International Friend/Host Family Program
Contact Nancy McGlathery

Temple Baptist Church
1100 Broadmoor, Champaign.
E-mail: temple@prairienet.org Website: www.prairienet.org/temple/TIF
Contact RaeAnn Vaughan (384-4849) or David or Belinda Nelson (384-3978).
Free classes on Friday 7-8 p.m., childcare and transportation provided.

Mattis Avenue Free Methodist Church
1913 S Mattis Ave, Champaign (between Kirby Ave and Windsor Rd)English conversation with native speakers. Groups are small, informal and free. 9:30 to 10:30 on Sunday mornings, 3:00 to 4:00 on Wednesday afternoons and 7:00 to 8:00 on Wednesday evenings in the Church Library. Contact Helen Kaufmann at helen61802@yahoo.com or 328-1770. Groups may be added at other times.

Special English Class (SEC)
An intensive English Conversation class for non-UIUC students, offered by the teaching practicum for the MATESL program in the Linguistics Department. The Special English Class will not be offered in Fall 2013. The next Special English Class will begin in Spring 2013 and registration for placement interviews will begin in January 2013.
For more information and to schedule a placement interview, interested individuals should contact Staci Defibaugh at stacidefibaugh@gmail.com or visit http://defibau2.wix.com/sec2013uiuc

University of Illinois Intensive English Institute
Suite 210, Tech Plaza
616 E. Green Street, Champaign
Website: http://www.iei.illinois.edu
Phone: 217 333-6598

Parkland College
Website: http://www.parkland.cc.il.us/h/esl.html
Regular College ESL Classes, 351-2584
Intensive English Institute, 351-2890

3. Tutors, Mentors and Conversation Partners

Global Partners
Conversation partners, especially for spouses of University students. Contact Susan Taylor at the Weston Exploration Office (244-9700).
Project READ/ESL: For a free tutor for basic ESL skills, contact Project READ at the Champaign Public Library, 356-1542.

ESL Drop-In Center
Basement of First United Methodist Church of Urbana, 304 S.Race, 367-8384. Free tutors are available for help with class work or informal conversation. No formal lessons. Fridays 1-3 p.m. and Wednesdays 7-9 p.m.

ESL Classes with Bruce Norris
MATESOL: Thursdays, 4 pm, Lutheran Student Center. Inexpensive rates. Call or email for more information. Phone: 239-2466; email: benorris@juno.com.

The International Illini Buddy Program
This social organization pairs study abroad returnees with international students. It also sponsors activities like a BBQ, movies at the Union, a weekly social hour, camping at Kickapoo, pumpkin carving, etc. To sign up, contact Sarah Gleisner (sgleisn2@uiuc.edu).

The Counseling Center's Interlink Program

INTERLINK is an international student mentoring program. Mentors can be students, facutlry or staff. They can be from the US or international students. Mentors make a one-semester commitment to have regular individual meetings with their international student mentee, to help with their adjustment to the American culture. Mentees can be new or returning students, graduate or undergraduate. Additional information available at: URL: http://www.couns.uiuc.edu/Interlink/interlink.htm

4. Social Gatherings

Cosmopolitan Club
307 E. John St., Champaign, 367-3079. Hosts coffee hours Thursday evenings from 7:30 -9:30 PM. These events feature different “host” countries that provide desserts for the evening. Learn more about their schedule for this semester at www.prairienet.org/cosmo/

English Corner
This English Corner will take place every Monday from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm at the Campus House on the corner of Lincoln and Oregon. The English Corner is sponsored by Christian Campus Fellowship, but the purpose of this weekly meeting is to give international students an opportunity to practice English with American students in a comfortable setting. It is not a religious or worship meeting. Learn more at http://www.uiuccf.org/

International Coffeehouse
The Etc. Coffeehouse at the corner of Goodwin and Green hosts an English Conversation meeting on Fridays from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. See their website at http://intcoffeehouse.blogspot.com.

International Discovery Group
This is a Christian organization led by Bob Whattoff that consists of UIUC students (American and international) and members of the community. They look to build friendships with international students, visiting scholars, postdocs and their families through informal cultural events and to study bible and Christianity (targeted for both believers and non-believers). Contact whattoff@comcast.net

Other Conversation Tables
Almost every language that is studied on this campus has either a conversation table, in which just the language that is studied is spoken, or a language exchange meeting, in which half the time is spent in one language, and half the time in English. Call the department and find out! For example, La Casa Cultural Latina (333-4950) hosts a Spanish-English convotable.