Goals: You will be able to...
- Identify and discuss common stumbling blocks and bad habits for academic writing (e.g. procrastination, daily distractions, perfectionism, fear of criticism, jumping too quickly to writing without planning)
- Discuss and recognize good writing habits and strategies to overcome difficulties in academic writing (e.g. writing regularly, making plans, outlining, pre-writing)
Technology Set-up:
1. Introduce Course Blog, Writer's Help, Compass 2g, UofI Box
2. Share a folder in UofI Box (Jin's email: jinkim7@illinois.edu). Use your school NetID and password to log in. Name your folder as "ESL 111 I_Your First Name" (e.g. "ESL 111 J_Jin)". This is where you will submit all your homework assignments.
Part 1: Stumbling blocks in academic writing
Discuss five different types of writing habits and stumbling blocks in writing and fill out Discussion Handout. Please also refer to Pre-Writing Techniques.
Part 2: Successful Writing process
One of the most important strategies you need for successful writing experience is to approach your writing task as a "process" that involves several "steps" instead of doing it all at once (i.e. dividing it into smaller, manageable chunks while paying attention to different things in each step). Based on your previous experience, draw/fill in this chart in pairs to turn in at the end of the class.
1. Complete Getting to Know You Questionnaire
2. Fill out the Course Overview Quiz and bring it to next class.