Day 31 & 32: Debate

Goals: You will be able to... 
  • Practice arguing in a creative way
  • Practice counter arguing in a creative way
  • Practice evaluating arguments and evidence
  • Practice public speaking / presenting information orally
Part 1 (Day 31)
Task 1: How to debate
- What is a debate?
- What is a debate topic?

Task 2: Debate
[15 minutes]: Planning (Read collection of pro-vegetarian and anti-vegetarian arguments)
[6 minutes]: Opening Arguments - Pro-vegetarians
[6 minutes]: Opening Arguments - Anti-vegetarians
[10 minutes]: Recess (Jury comes up with questions while debaters come up with rebuttals)
[5 minutes]: Questions from the Jury

Part 2 (Day 32)
[5 minutes]: Anti-vegetarian's Counterarguments/Rebuttals
[5 minutes]:
Pro-vegetarian's Counterarguments/Rebuttals
[5 minutes]: Jury Questions II
[6 minutes]:
Pro-vegetarian's Closing Arguments
[6 minutes]:
Anti-vegetarian's Closing Arguments
[10 minutes]: Jury Deliberations, Debaters Reflections

Homework:Upload your argumentative essay outline, named as "final_outline" in Unit 3 folder in your Dropbox (due next Monday, Nov 12). Start searching for sources in the meantime (at least 3 academic sources). Use this argumentative essay outline template.

Reflection 2: Reflect on my comments and grading rubric on your Essay 2. Compare them with what you received from Diagnostic essay. In which area do you think you have improved? Which area still needs improvement? Write down your thoughts in 300 words minimum. Name it as "Reflection 2" and put it in Unit 2 folder of your Dropbox. This is due this Friday, Nov 9